On October 17th 2019, about 29 students and six teachers from universities in Germany, Norway, Poland and Latvia met in Gdansk to start a ten-day interdiscplinary workshop on memories and representations of World War II history in general and the history of the Hamburg deportations of Jews, Sinti and Roma in particular. Under the auspices of the workshop title «Memory Dialogues», students from ten different countries and diverse disciplinary backgrounds in journalism, design, media production and public history came together to discuss different approaches and strategies to commemorate Nazi crimes. The workshop has been a cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ostwestfalen-Lippe and the project «Documentation Center Hanover Station Memorial», which, as a part of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial, is developing a new permanent exhibition in Hamburg’s HafenCity to be opened in 2022. Volda University College, Freie University of Berlin (FU, Public History), University of Bergen, University Łódz, the Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga, the Stutthof Concentration Camp Memorial, the Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Łódz and the Žanis-Lipke-Museum in Riga joined the project as partners. For more info, please check here.